"Diana's Dolls & Collectables" Working one-on-one with client to achieve desired results. Professional relationship spans over 6 years. With the client's new domain name, this re-design was in order. A new professional look is achieved. I currently maintain the site, with changes made per client requests. |
"Skyline Resort & RV Sales" One-on-one with client wishes in mind, professional relationship spans over 5 years. I currently maintain the site, with changes made to reflect current inventory, pop-up ads announcing sales, and pricing as per client request. |
"Ford Wagon Train" Website designed as medium for members. I currently maintain the site as per Club Officers requests. |
"PopUp Dreams" Website re-designed for client with custom graphic work. Initial design included all pages, menu set-up, and instruction for Client maintainence. This is Client maintained. |
"St. James RC Church/School"
Site medium for parishioners, school staff, students, and respective families. Due to budget cuts, and closing of the school, this project has been cancelled. Sorry, not available online for previews. |
"St. Augustine RC Church"
Currently in development. Available online for Previews. Site medium for parishioners,and those seeking masses signed for deaf persons. Developed with flash introduction.